Douglas Thompson

Rosemary Park Professor of Geoscience and Environmental Studies, Suzi Oppenheimer ’56 Faculty Director of the Office of Sustainability & Director of Environmental Studies Program

Expertise: Geomorphology (study of landforms and the natural processes responsible for their formation), fluvial geomorphology (physics of rivers), hydrology, sustainability, channel morphology, river restoration, trout fisheries management


  • Geological Society of America Fellow (2015)
  • American Association of Geographers – G.K. Gilbert Award for Excellence in Geomorphic Research (2000)
  • Kavli Fellow, National Academy of Sciences, Kalvi Frontiers of Science, Third Annual Chinese-American Frontiers of Science Symposium (2000)
  • American Geophysical Union
  • Geological Society of Connecticut
  • Native Fish Coalition (National Advisory Council)
  • Books: The Quest for the Golden Trout: Environmental Loss and America’s Iconic Fish (University Press of New England, 2013)

Douglas Thompson Faculty Profile