Afshan Jafar

May Buckley Sadowski ’19 Professor of Sociology & Chair of the Sociology Department

Expertise: Gender; media; Muslims; Islam; bodies/embodiment (including ideal body image, marketing of cosmetics, advertising etc); globalization; higher education; academic freedom and governance on college and university campuses; faculty of color in academia; women in leadership


  • Connecticut College – Helen Brooks Regan Faculty Leadership Award (2021)
  • Sociologists for Women in Society – Feminist Activism Award (2015)
  • Connecticut College – Helen Mulvey Faculty Award (2014)
  • Books: Women’s NGOs in Pakistan (2011); Global Beauty, Local Bodies (2013) and Bodies Without Borders (2013)
  • Academic Publications: Teaching Sociology, Gender & Society, Social Problems, Academe, and Gender Issues
  • News Publications: The New York Times, The Washington Post, LA Review of Books, Inside Higher Ed, and Ms. Magazine, among others.

Afshan Jafar Faculty Profile