Associate Professor of Anthropology
College Archaeologist
Expertise: Material culture studies, Anthropology of consumption, Household archaeology, Anthropology of the built environment, Cultural landscapes, Qualitative research methods, Ethnography and Fieldwork
- Chair, Academic Advisory Board (2016 – present)
- Society for American Archaeology (SAA)
- Register of Professional Archaeologists (RPA)
- Northeast Anthropological Association (NEAA)
- Society for Visual Anthropology Collier Award for Life at Home in the 21st Century (2014)
- Helen Mulvey Faculty Award, Connecticut College (2013)
- Nominee, Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research, Co-authored article ranked in the top 20 of 2500 articles published in 77 leading English-language journals from around the world. (2011)
- Published book: Arnold, J. E., A. P. Graesch, E. Ragazzini, and E. Ochs. (2012). Life at Home in the Twenty-first Century: 32 Families Open Their Doors. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, Los Angeles.
- Multiple published journal articles. Several works are under review, including peer-reviewed articles.
- Multiple peer-reviewed articles in prestigious journals such as North American Archaeologist and Journal of Anthropological Archaeology
- Numerous conference presentations at major academic conferences such as the Society for American Archaeology